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Niche Business Awards 2024 banner

Best New Business

Sponsored by Hollingsworths

This should be a company that has been trading for less than three years. The business must be able to demonstrate a strong plan and performance to date, whilst also standing out from the crowd.

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Businessman of the Year

Sponsored by BP Legal Solicitors

The criteria for this award are categorised into four areas: financial performance, personal qualities, managerial skills, and contribution to Leicestershire’s development.

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Rising Star

Weatherwise Services

Recognising an emerging leader in business whose work reflects ongoing and exceptional growth in contribution to the profession as well as increased levels of leadership and responsibility.



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Eco Excellence

Sponsored by Michael Smith Switchgear Limited

Organisations that have made green practices and sustainability a top priority will be considered for this award. Its leaders will have imparted knowledge to employees and encouraged ‘green’ thinking whilst the company as a whole takes proven action to reduce its impact on the environment. â€‹

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Recognising the very best in restaurants, hoteliers, tour and experience operators, spas and more, the Hospitality award honours one of Leicestershire’s 4,000+ organisations in the sector. We’re looking for the best concept, customer experience, marketing campaign, sustainable action, loyalty programmes, and anything else that makes an establishment unique or successful.

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Business Growth

Sponsored by Everards

We are looking for a business small or large that has seen considerable growth over the last 24 months. From staff numbers to upskilling and profit margins.

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Employer of the Year

Sponsored by ksabLAW

A Leicestershire company that stands out due to its efforts in employee engagement, support, incentives and benefits, and one that invests in and upskills staff.

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Best Customer Service

Sponsored by Giga Ops

This award will be presented to the business that has provided the best service to their clientele. The business will regularly go ‘above and beyond’ the call of duty to ensure their customers receive excellent service.

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Charity of the Year

Sponsored by Mr H IT

The search is on for Leicester’s most loved charity. We want to find the charity that is active in making a positive impact within the Leicestershire community.

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Businesswoman of the Year

Sponsored by Sanjay Foods

The criteria for this award are categorised into four areas: financial performance, personal qualities, managerial skills, and contribution to Leicestershire’s development.




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Leicester is full of many kinds of artists. We’re seeking nominations for photographers, theatres, graphic designers, stylists, musicians, creative writers, and more. The winner will have completed a successful project or initiative in the last 12 months and have evidence of the initial concept, marketing plan, and/or final evaluation.

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Professional Services

Sponsored by Jerroms Miller

Recognising a business that shows evidence of strong professional performance, demonstrates excellence in its sector, offers excellent customer service and can identify what sets it apart from its competitors.

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Best Small Business

Sponsored by Trident

Our judges are looking for companies with 1-50 employees with a turnover under £5 million. What innovative processes are being used? What best practice? What sets this business apart from the competition?


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Best Large Business

Sponsored by Premier Logistics

Accounting for 40% of UK employment in 2020, we want to find those big businesses that embrace a positive corporate culture and add value to our local economy. Entrants must employ over 50 staff members and have an annual turnover of £10m or more.

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Entrepreneur of the Year

Sponsored by Springfields

Who has demonstrated the aptitude and attitude of a true entrepreneur? Your nomination should go to the person you believe to be ambitious, visionary, and intuitive, who has excelled against the competition or been the first to achieve success with a unique product or service.


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Best Family Business

Sponsored by Beautiful Pubs Collective

This award is open to businesses that are owned and run by a family who are still instrumental in the daily operations of the business. From third generation to newly formed, we want to hear what they have to offer!

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Niche Business Awards ambassadors logos
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