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Lamp launches 5k challenge to raise funds for mental health services

Writer's picture: Emily MillerEmily Miller

The campaign encourages physical activity.

Leicester's Lamp Charity Launch 5K Campaign

Leicester's leading mental health charity has launched its annual 5k campaign for 2023.

The theme of this year’s Lamp 5k challenge is ‘climbing mountains for mental health’ and will highlight that physical activity is good for your mental health and wellbeing.

This year’s campaign will take place from May 15-21 , as part of Mental Health Awareness Week, and focuses on the positive impact that physical exercise has on mental health.

People will be challenged to walk, run, swim, ride or take part in any activity to achieve the 5k distance, and raise funds for Lamp in the process.

The charity also wants to spotlight people who overcome obstacles to their mental health and wellbeing in everyday life.

Richard Kotulecki, Lamp’s CEO said: “We are focused on empowering people to overcome a personal challenge in aid of mental health so the challenge isn’t just about physical exertion – we are not expecting people to climb 5k up a mountain!

“If physical exercise isn’t your thing, we also want to encourage people to overcome a metaphorical mountain or activity for mental health.

"People can also support by organising their own fundraising activity such as sponsored knitting, bake sales, coffee mornings or snooker/pool tournaments.

“This year’s theme is based on feedback that living/dealing with or addressing a mental health issue can be like climbing a mountain.

"The outdoors and exercise are good for mental health, but we also want to highlight the steep challenges that people sometimes face every day, working through their mental health issues.”

On average, it costs around £750 for Lamp to help to navigate someone through the complexities of mental health and empower them to rebuild their life.

Victoria Ely, Senior Insolvency and Office Manager at CBA Business Solutions Limited said: “I feel that mental health is one of the most challenging and complex issues that we face today, affecting people throughout all walks of life.

"It’s incredibly important to me and CBA Business Solutions to continue to raise awareness and support for mental health charities, and we are privileged to be associated with Lamp whose continued hard work has provided essential help and advice to so many across Leicestershire.”

Participants in the Lamp 5k are encouraged to get sponsorship for each kilometre covered/challenge achieved/mountain overcome to collectively raise £29,000 – the height of Mount Everest in feet.

Lamp’s 5k challenge is now in its third year and it has set the ambitious fundraising target this year to support the charity’s increasing number of service users and carers who need mental health advocacy throughout Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.

CBA Business Solutions is the headline sponsor of this year’s Lamp 5k with Daly Systems as an event partner.

Take part in Lamp’s 2023 5k challenge and log your distance and download a fundraising pack. visit their website at.

If you would like to sponsor, fundraise or get involved in other ways, please contact the charity at or sign up to Lamp’s newsletter to get regular updates.

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