March 17 marked exactly one year since Growth Partners staff turned off the lights at their offices on Leicester’s Colton Square and set up their workstations at home.

When the Covid-19 pandemic hit the UK in March 2020, Growth Partners’ priority was to protect staff and safeguard its services to clients. With its roots firmly based in developing the latest technology, the team knew they had the tools to continue to deliver from anywhere and provide a seamless service to its clients.
Paul Bresnihan, Group Chief Executive Officer, said: “It’s been a tough time for everyone, and we have taken some time to reflect on what’s been an unprecedented year. We, like all businesses, have learned a lot from this crisis, and I am truly thankful to all our staff who have each played their part.”
The infographic below takes a look back at some of the positives Growth Partners has taken while working from home for a year during the pandemic.

A reflection on the positives since the usually Leicester-based team began working remotely:
90,000 pay documents uploaded each month for clients through payroll and pension services
50,000 employees now using platforms to access their pay, pension, discounts and physical and emotional wellbeing services through their EAP
489 portals upgraded for their clients
Customer service satisfaction levels increased by 4% to 93% during this time, which
evidences the seamless transition to remote working
Refocused their business with a new identity, website and app and realigned their
people strategy
Continued engagement with their employees despite the distance with 1937 virtual
team meet-ups and four employee engagement events
Mindful of the impact on employees, they carried out 100 wellbeing sessions and
arranged 20 pick-me-ups in the post
Through continued communication throughout the business, they celebrated a
proposal, eight house moves and welcomed two babies and four new pets to the team
Working remotely, they adapted their learning, embracing more social and informal
learning techniques.