The company responsible for TheMusicLicense in the UK has launched a new campaign to help music artists during the pandemic.

PPL RPS Ltd's campaign, Restore the Rhythm, aims to show how music can help businesses get back to their best while also giving back to those working in the music industry who have contributed so much to so many lives throughout the pandemic.
The music industry contributed £5.2bn to the UK economy in 2018, and has been particularly hard hit this year due to the restrictions on live entertainment, and will continue to be for the foreseeable future.
PPL PRS is highlighting how music is a powerful tool that can create a warm and welcoming atmosphere and could ease anxiety, while also helping to increase productivity and motivation within businesses.
As customers and staff may return to workplaces once the second lockdown eases in December, anxieties and stress about being in a busy environment or adapting to new processes may concern them.
By playing music, and purchasing TheMusicLicence, business owners and managers are also helping to sustain those musicians who create and perform the music we all know and love.
The money collected by TheMusicLicence goes back to music’s grassroots, the emerging artists, session musicians and songwriters, as well as the global superstars of the world.
Many musicians rely on their income from performing live, meaning the revenue from TheMusicLicence is vital to those who create and perform music.
Join the Restore the Rhythm campaign by sharing your story on social media, of how music is helping your business get back to its best with #restoretherhythm #weareopen.
Get TheMusicLicense here.