What to expect over the coming months.

BID Leicester has launched an ambitious delivery plan for 2021, designed to assist businesses with reopening and support the economic recovery of the city centre.
The plan outlines projects the Business Improvement District will deliver to help responsibly drive footfall and rebuild confidence in the city centre as a great, and safe, place to live, work, visit and do business.
New projects include:
the introduction of three new ‘Dine in the Square’ outdoor seating areas where customers can order direct from city centre cafes and restaurants, to help increase capacity and enable additional sales for businesses whilst social distancing is in place,
12-months free access to a mobile ordering system for businesses, helping them implement contact free service and payment,
a trail of large artworks inside pubs and bars to encourage footfall and create new attractions driving customers into businesses,
a Cleaner Leicester programme, in partnership with Leicester City Council, which will ensure a high level of cleanliness in the city through street washing, graffiti removal and gum removal,
a Restaurant Week event, showcasing the best eateries in the city, and
a full programme of covid-secure events to help safely encourage visitors back to the city centre.
Simon Jenner, Director of BID Leicester, said, “This year will see the BID Leicester team working hard to support businesses across all sectors as restrictions are eased to enable a strong recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.
“As well as practical support such as handing out social distancing signage and hand sanitiser to businesses, we have an ambitious programme of projects and events that will get people back into the city centre and enjoy the range of shops, bars, restaurants, arts and leisure attractions here.
“Our projects are designed to directly benefit businesses, helping them to reduce costs associated with reopening and operating in a covid-secure way, increase their potential for sales whilst social distancing is in place and attract new customers through promotion and increased city centre footfall.

“I’d encourage all city centre businesses to look through the plan and engage with as many of the projects as possible to get maximum benefit. The BID team are always available to answer any questions, and our Street Ambassador team are back in the city centre to offer any assistance businesses may need.”
The BID team are already hard at work delivering projects outlined in the plan, which can be read online.
BID Businesses who would like to get involved with any of the projects should contact the team at info@bidleicester.co.uk.